miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009

Nume masculine araba

Abbas - Description of a lion- Descrierea unui leu
Abbud - Worshipper Abbud - admirator
Abbudin - Worshippers Abbudin - adoratori
Abdul, Abdel - Servant (of Allah) Abdul, Abdel - Servitorul (lui Allah)
Abdul-Alim - Servant of the Omniscient - agent al omniscient
Abdul-Aliyy - Servant of the Most - Slujitor al Celui Prea Înalt
Abdul-Azim - Servant of the Mighty - agent al Mighty
Abdul-Aziz - Servant of the Powerful One- agent al Un puternic
Abdul-Bari - Servant of the Creator Abdul-Bari - Slujitor al Creatorului
Abdul-Basit - Servant of the Extender Abdul-Basit - agent al Extender
Abdul-Fattah - Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance) Abdul-Fattah - agent al Opener (din porţile de subzistenţă)
Abdul-Ghaffar, Abdul-Ghafur - Servant of the Forgiver Abdul-Ghaffar, Abdul-Ghafur - agent al Forgiver
Abdul-Hadi - Servant of the Guide Abdul-Hadi - agent al Ghidului
Abdul-Hafiz - Servant of the Protector Abdul-Hafiz - agent al Protector
Abdul-Hakam - Servant of the Arbitrator Abdul-Hakam - Slujitor al arbitrul
Abdul-Hakim - Servant of the Wise One Abdul-Hakim - agent al Wise One
Abdul-Halim - Servant of the Mild, Patient One Abdul-Halim - agent al uşoare, pacientului One
Abdul-Hamid - Servant of the Praised One Abdul-Hamid - agent al Unul laudat
Abdul-Haqq - Servant of the Truth Abdul-Haqq - slujitor al Adevărului
Abdul-Hasib - Servant of the Respected, Esteemed Abdul-Hasib - agent al respectate, Stimaţi
Abdul-Jabbar - Servant of the Mighty Abdul-Jabbar - agent al Mighty
Abdul-Jalil - Servant of the Great, Revered One Abdul-Jalil - agent al Mare, Vechi One
Abdul-Karim - Servant of the Noble, Generous One Abdul-Karim - agent al Noble, generos One
Abdul-Khaliq - Servant of the Creator Abdul-Khaliq - Slujitor al Creatorului
Abdul-Latif - Servant of the Kind One Abdul-Latif - agent al Kind One
Abdul-Malik - Servant of the Master (or King) Abdul-Malik - agent al Master (sau King)
Abdul-Majid - Servant of the Glorious One Abdul-Majid - agent al Unul Glorious
Abdul-Matin - Servant of the Firm, Strong Abdul-Matin - Slujitor al firmei, Strong
Abdul-Muhaimin - Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector Abdul-Muhaimin - agent al supraveghere, The Guardian, Protector
Abdul-Mu'izz - Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory Abdul-Mu'izz - agent al dătătorul Might and Glory
Abdul-Mujib - Servant of the Responder Abdul-Mujib - agent al responsivilor
Abdul-Muta'al - Servant of the Most High Abdul-Muta'al - Slujitor al Celui Prea Înalt
Abdul-Muttalib Abdul-Muttalib
Abdul-Nasser - Servant of the Victorious One Abdul-Nasser - agent al Unul Victorious
Abdul-Nasir - Servant of the Helper, Protector Abdul-Nasir - agent al Helper, Protector
Abdul-Qadir - Servant of the Capable, Powerful Abdul-Qadir - agent al Capable, puternic
Abdul-Qahhar - Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty Abdul-Qahhar - agent al Subduer, Cel Atotputernic
Abdul-Quddus - Servant of the Most Holy Abdul-Quddus - agent al Preasfintei
Abdul-Rafi - Servant of the One Who Raises, Elevates (intellect, esteem) Abdul-Rafi - agent al Unul care invocă, ridică (intelectul, stima)
Abdul-Rahim - Servant of the Most Compassionate One Abdul-Rahim - agent al Cele mai compasiune One
Abdul-Rahman - Servant of the Merciful One Abdul-Rahman - agent al Milostiv One
Abdul-Rashid - Servant of the Rightly Guided One Abdul-Rashid - agent al Pe bună dreptate ghidată de un
Abdul-Ra'uf - Servant of the Most Merciful Abdul-Ra'uf - agent al Cele mai Milostiv
Abdul-Razzaq - Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider Abdul-Razzaq - agent al Maintainer, furnizorul de
Abdul-Sabur - Servant of the Patient Abdul-Sabur - agent al pacientului
Abdul-Salam - Servant of the Peace Abdul-Salam - agent al Pace
Abdul-Samad - Servant of the Eternal Abdul-Samad - agent al veşnică
Abdul-Sami - Servant of the All-Hearing Abdul-Sami - agent al All-audiere
Abdul-Shakur - Servant of the Most Thankful Abdul-Shakur - agent al Cele mai Thankful
Abdul-Tawwab - Servant of the Forgiver Abdul-Tawwab - agent al Forgiver
Abdul-Wadud - Servant of the Loving Abdul-Wadud - agent al Loving
Abdul-Wahhab - Servant of the Giver Abdul-Wahhab - agent al dătătorul
Abdul-Wahid - Servant of the One Abdul-Wahid - agent al One
Abdullah - Servant of God Abdullah - Slujitor al lui Dumnezeu
Abraha Abraha
Abu Bakr - Name of one of Muhammad's companions Abu Bakr - numele unuia dintre însoţitorii lui Muhammad
Abu al Khayr - One who does good Abu Al Khayr - Unul care este un bun
Adel - Just Adel - Just
Adham - Black Adham - negru
Adnan - Proper name Adnan - Nume corect de
Afif, Afeef - Chaste, modest Afif, Afeef - castă, modestă
Ahmad, Ahmed - Most highly adored, or most praised; variation of the name "Muhammad" Ahmad, Ahmed - Cele mai înalt adora, sau cea mai mare a lăudat; variaţie a denumirii "Muhammad"
Akil - Intelligent, thoughtful, one who uses reason Akil - Inteligent, grijuliu, unul care foloseşte un motiv
Akram - Most generous Akram - Cele mai generos
Ala' - Nobility Ala '- Regalitatea şi nobilimea rusă
Aladdin, Ala' al din - Nobility of faith Aladdin, din Ala 'Al - nobilimii din credinţă
Ali, Aliyy - The highest, greatest, excellent, noble Ali, Aliyy - cel mai mare cel mai mare,, excelent, nobil
Alim - Wise or learned Alim - Wise sau a învăţat
Altair - The flying eagle; also refers to a first magnitude star in the constellation Lyra Altair - Vulturul zbor;, de asemenea, se referă la o stea prima magnitudine în constelaţia Lyra
Amid - General Pe fondul - General
Amin, Ameen - Faithful, trustworthy Amin, Ameen - Credincios, demn de încredere
Amir, Ameer - Prince Amir, Ameer - Prince
Amjad - More glorious Amjad - mai glorios
Ammar - Builder, constructor Ammar - Builder, constructor
Amr - Old Arabic name Amr - Old numele Arabă
Anbar Anbar
Anis - Close friend ANIS - prieten apropiat
Anwar - Light Anwar - Light
Arfan - Gratitude Arfan - Gratitudine
Arif - Corporal; aquainted, knowledgable Arif - Caporal; cunostinta, knowledgable
Asad - Lion Asad - Lion
Asadel - Most prosperous one Asadel - cele mai prospere o
Ashraf - Most honorable Ashraf - Cele mai onorabil
Asif - Forgiveness Asim - Protector, defender Asif - Iertarea Asim - Protector, apărător
Aswad - Black Aswad - negru
Ata - Gift Ata - cadou
Atif - Compassionate, sympathetic Atif - compasiune, simpatic
Awad - Reward, compensation Awad - recompensă, de compensare
Ayman - Lucky; on the right Ayman - Lucky, pe dreapta
Ayyad Ayyad
Ayyub, Ayoob - A Prophet's name Ayyub, Ayoob - numele O Profetului
Aza - Comfort Aza - Comfort
Azhar - Most shining, luminous Cele mai multe Azhar - stralucitoare, luminoasa
Azeem, Azim - Defender, referring to one of God's ninety-nine qualities Azeem, Azim - Defender, referindu-se la unul din nouăzeci şi nouă a lui Dumnezeu calităţi
Azzam - Determined, resolved Azzam - determinată, rezolvate


Badr - Full moon Luna Badr - completa
Badr al Din - Full moon of the faith Badr Din Al - Full Moon a credinţei
Baha - Beautiful, magnificent Baha - Beautiful, magnific
Baha al Din, Bahiyy al Din - Magnificence of the faith Din Al Baha, Bahiyy Din Al - splendoare a credinţei
Bahir - Dazzling, brilliant Bahir - orbitoare, genial
Barakah - Blessing Barakah - Blessing
Bashshar - Bringer of glad tidings Bashshar - Bringer de veste bune
Basil - Brave Vasile - Viteazul
Bassam, Basim - Smiling Bassam, Basim - Smiling
Bilal - Name of the Prophet's Muezzin Bilal - Numele muezin Profetului
Bishr - Joy Bishr - Joy
Boulos - Arabic form of "Paul" Boulos - Arabă sub formă de "Paul"
Burhan - Proof Burhan - Dovada
Bursuq Bursuq
Butrus - Arabic form of "Peter" Butrus - Arabă sub formă de "Peter"



Dabir - Secretary Dabir - Secretar
Da'ud, Dawud - Arabic form of "David", beloved; a Prophet's name Da'ud, Dawud - Arabă sub formă de "David", iubit, un nume de profetului
Dharr Dharr
Dhul Fiqar - Name of the Prophet's sword Dhul Fiqar - Numele sabia Profetului
Diya al Din - Brightness of the faith Diya Din Al - Luminozitate de credinţă
Duqaq Duqaq


Emir - To command Emir - Pentru a comanda
Esam, Essam - Safeguard Esam, Essam - de salvgardare


Fadi - Redeemer Fadi - Mântuitorul
Fadil - Generous, honorable Fadil - generos, onorabil
Fahd, Fahad - Lynx Fahd, Fahad - Lynx
Faisal, Faysal - Decisive Faisal, Faysal - decisivă a
Fakhir - Proud, excellent Fakhir - Proud, excelent
Fakhiri, Fakhry - Honorary Fakhiri, Fakhry - onorifice
Fakih - Legal expert; one who recites the Qu'ran Fakih - expert juridic; cel care recită Qu'ran
Farid, Fareed - Unique Farid, Fareed - Unic
Fariq, Fareeq - Lieutenant General Fariq, Fareeq - general-locotenent
Faris - Horseman, knight Faris - călăreţ, cavaler
Farraj Farraj
Faruq, Farooq - One who distinguishes truth from falsehood Faruq, Farooq - Cel care a distinge adevărul de falsitate
Fath - Victory Fath - Victory
Fatin, Fateen - Clever, smart Fatin, Fateen - Clever, Smart
Fawwaz - Successful Fawwaz - de succes
Fawzi Fawzi
Ferran - Baker Ferran - Baker
Fida - Redemption, sacrifice Fida - Redemption, sacrificiu
Firas - Perspicacity Firas - perspicacitatea
Fouad - Heart Fouad - Heart
Fudail - Excellent in character Fudail - Excelent în caracter


Gamal, Gamali - Camel Gamal, Gamali - Camel
Ghalib - Victor Ghalib - Victor
Ghassan - Old Arabic name Ghassan - Old numele Arabă
Ghazi - Conqueror Ghazi - Cuceritorul
Ghiyath - Succorer Ghiyath - Succorer



Habib - Beloved Habib - Beloved
Hadad - Syrian god of fertility Hadad - zeul sirian de fertilitate
Haddad - Smith Haddad - Smith
Hadi - Guiding to the right Hadi - directoare la dreapta
Hajjaj Hajjaj
Hakeem, Hakim - Wise, one of God's ninety-nine qualities Hakeem, Hakim - Wise, una dintre cele nouăzeci şi nouă a lui Dumnezeu calităţi
Hakem - Ruler, governor Hakem - Conducător, guvernatorul
Halim - Mild, gentle, patient Halim - uşoare, blând, pacient
Hamal - Lamb Hamal - Lamb
Hamdan - The praised one; variation of the name "Muhammad" Hamdan - lăudat unul; variaţie a denumirii "Muhammad"
Hamid - The praised one; variation of the name "Muhammad" Hamid - lăudat unul; variaţie a denumirii "Muhammad"
Hamzah - Lion Hamzah - Lion
Hana - Arabic form of "John" Hana - Arabă sub formă de "Ioan"
Hanbal - Purity Hanbal - Puritate
Hani - Happy, delighted, content Hani - Happy, încântat, de conţinut
Hanif - True believer Hanif - credincios adevarat
Harith - Ploughman, cultivator Harith - plugar, cultivator
Haroun, Harun - Arabic form of "Aaron"; lofty or exalted; A Prophet's name Haroun, Harun - Arabă sub formă de "Aaron"; nobile sau exaltat; numele A profetului
Hashim - Broker, destroyer of evil; Hashim was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Hashim - Broker, distrugator de rău; Hashim a fost un descendent al Profetului Muhammed (pbuh)
Hassan - Beautiful, handsome Hassan - Frumos, frumos
Hatim - Judge Hatim - judecător
Haytham - Young hawk Haytham - Hawk Young
Hilal Hilal
Hilel - The new moon Hilel - lună nouă
Hisham - Generosity Hisham - Generozitatea
Hud, Houd - A Prophet's name Hud, Houd - numele O Profetului
Hudhayfah - Old Arabic name Hudhayfah - Old numele Arabă
Humam - Courageous, generous Humam - curajos, generos
Husain, Hussein - Little beauty; Hussein was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Husain, Hussein - frumuseţea Little; Hussein a fost un descendent al Profetului Muhammed (pbuh)
Husam - Sword Husam - Sword
Husam al Din - Sword of the faith Husam Din Al - Sword a credinţei
Husayn - Beautiful Husayn - Beautiful


Ibrahim - Father of a multitude; a Prophet's name (Abraham) Ibrahim - Tată al unei mulţimi, un nume (Abraham Profetului)
Idris - A Prophet's name Idris - numele O Profetului
Ihsan - Beneficence Ihsan - Beneficence
Imad - Support, pillar Imad - Suport, pilon
Imad al Din - Pillar of the faith Din Imad Al - pilon al credinţei
Imran - A Prophet's name Imran - numele O Profetului
Irfan - Thankfulness Irfan - recunoştinţă
Isa, Eisa - A Prophet's name (Jesus) Isa, EISA - Un nume (Isus Profetului)
Isam, Issam - Safeguard Isam, Issam - de salvgardare
Ishaq - A Prophet's name Ishaq - numele O Profetului
Isma'il - A Prophet's name Isma'il - numele O Profetului
Isra'il Isra'il
Izz al Din - Might of the faith Din Izz Al - S-ar putea de credinţă


Jabbar - Mighty Jabbar - Mighty
Jabir - Consoler, Comforter Jabir - Consoler, Mângâietorul
Jafar - Rivulet Jafar - parau
Jalal - Glory of the faith Jalal - Glory de credinţă
Jalil, Jaleel - Great, revered Jalil, Jaleel - Grozav, veneraţi
Jamal - Beauty Jamal - Beauty
Jamal al Din - Beauty of the faith Jamal Al Din - Frumuseţe de credinţă
Jamil, Jameel - Beautiful Jamil, Jameel - Beautiful
Jawad - Open-handed, generous Jawad - Deschide-handed, generos
Jawhar - Jewel, essence Jawhar - Jewel, esenţa
Jibril - Archangel of Allah (Gabriel) Jibril - Arhanghelului al lui Allah (Gabriel)
Jihad - Struggle, holy war De război Jihad - luptă, sfânt
Jubair Jubair
Jumah - Born on Friday Jumah - Nascut la data de Friday


Kadar, Kedar - Powerful Kadar, Kedar - puternic
Kadeen, Kadin - Friend, companion, confidant Kadeen, Kadin - Prieten, de companie, confidenta
Kadeer, Kadir - Green or green crop (connoting freshness and innocence) Kadeer, Kadir - verde sau cultură verde (connoting prospeţime şi de nevinovăţie)
Ka'im Ka'im
Kahil - Friend, lover Kahil - Prieten, iubitor de
Kaliq - Creative, refers to a quality of God Kaliq - Creative, se referă la o calitate a lui Dumnezeu
Kamal - Beauty, perfection Kamal - Frumusete, perfectiune
Kamil, Kameel - Perfect; one of the ninety-nine qualities of God Kamil, Kameel - Perfect, una dintre cele nouăzeci şi nouă calităţi a lui Dumnezeu
Kardal - Mustard seed Seminţe de Kardal - muştar
Karif, Kareef - Born in Autumn Karif, Kareef - Nascut in toamna anului
Karim, Kareem - Generous, noble, friendly, precious and distinguished Karim, Kareem - generos, nobil, prietenos, preţioase şi distins
Kasib, Kaseeb - Fertile Kasib, Kaseeb - Fertil
Kaseem, Kasim - Divided Kaseem, Kasim - Divided
Kateb - Writer Kateb - Scriitor
Khaldun, Khaldoon - Old Arabic name Khaldun, Khaldoon - Old numele Arabă
Khalid, Khaled - Eternal Khalid, Khaled - Eternal
Khalil, Khaleel, Kalil - Beautiful, good friend Khalil, Khaleel, Kalil - Beautiful, prieten bun
Khatib - Religious Minister Khatib - religioase Ministru
Khair al Din - The good of the faith Khair Din Al - bună-credinţă
Khairy, Khayri - Charitable, beneficent Khairy, Khayri - caritabile, binefăcătoare
Khoury - Priest Khoury - Preot
Khuzaymah - Old Arabic name Khuzaymah - Old numele Arabă
Kutaiba Kutaiba


Labib, Labeeb - Sensible, intelligent Labib, Labeeb - Sensible, inteligent
Labid Labid
Lahab Lahab
Latif - Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly Latif - Gentle, tip, placut, prietenos
Luqman - A Prophet's name Luqman - numele O Profetului
Lutfi - Kind and friendly Lutfi - Kind şi prietenos



Mahdi - Guided to the right path Mahdi - cu ghid la drumul cel bun
Mahir - Skilled Mahir - Skilled
Mahmud, Mahmoud - The praised one; variation of the name "Muhammad" Mahmud, Mahmoud - lăudat unul; variaţie a denumirii "Muhammad"
Maimun - Lucky Maimun - Lucky
Majdy - Glorious Majdy - Glorious
Majid al Din - Glory of the Faith Din Majid Al - Glory de Credinţă
Majid, Majd - Glorious Majid, majd - Glorious
Makin - Strong, firm Makin - Strong, firma
Malik - Master, angel, king Malik - Master, Angel, rege
Mamdouh - One who is commended, praised, glorified Mamdouh - Acela care este laudat, a laudat, glorificat
Ma'mun - Trustworthy Ma'mun - Trustworthy
Ma'n - Benefit Ma'n - Benefit
Mansur - Divinely aided Mansur - care beneficiază de ajutor divin
Marid - Rebellious Marid - Rebellious
Marzuq - Blessed by God, fortunate Marzuq - binecuvântate de Dumnezeu, norocos
Mash'al - Torch Mash'al - Torch
Masruq Masruq
Mas'ud - Fortunate, happy, lucky Mas'ud - norocos, fericit, norocos
Maudad Maudad
Mazin - Proper name Mazin - Nume corect de
Mika'il Mika'il
Misbah - Lamp Misbah - Lamp
Mohammed - Praised; from "Muhammad", name of the Prophet (pbuh) Mohammed - lăudat; de la "Muhammad", numele Profetului (pbuh)
Mu'adh - Protected Mu'adh - protejate
Mu'awiyah - Young fox (first Umayyad Kalifah) Mu'awiyah - Fox Young (primul umayyazilor Kalifah)
Mu'ayyad - Supported Mu'ayyad - Supported
Mubarak - Happy, blessed Mubarak - Happy, binecuvântat
Mufid, Mufeed - Useful Mufid, Mufeed - utile
Muhammad - Praised; the name of the Prophet (pbuh) Muhammad - lăudat, numele Profetului (pbuh)
Muhanned - Sword Muhanned - Sword
Muhsin - Beneficient, charitable Muhsin - caritabil, caritabile
Muhtadi - Rightly guided Muhtadi - pe bună dreptate cu ghid
Mujahid - Fighter (in the way of Allah) Mujahid - Fighter (în calea lui Allah)
Mukhtar - Chosen Mukhtar - fie ales,
Mundhir - Warner, cautioner Mundhir - Warner, cautioner
Munir, Muneer - Brilliant, shining Munir, Muneer - Brilliant, strălucitor
Muntasir - Victorious Muntasir - Victorious
Murtadi, Murtadhy - Satisfied, content Murtadi, Murtadhy - a demonstrat, de conţinut
Musa, Moosa - A Prophet's name (Moses) Musa, Moosa - Un nume (Moise Profetului)
Mus'ad - Unfettered camel Mus'ad - Camel liber
Muslim - Submitting oneself to God Musulmane - Trimiterea sine lui Dumnezeu
Mustafa - Chosen one Mustafa - fie ales, o
Muta - Obeyed Muta - ascultat
Mu'tasim - Adhering (to faith, to God) Mu'tasim - Aderare (la credinţă, la Dumnezeu)
Mu'tazz - Proud, mighty Mu'tazz - Proud, puternic
Muti - Obedient Muti - ascultători
Muwaffaq - Successful Muwaffaq - de succes


Nabhan, Nabih - Noble, outstanding Nabhan, Nabih - Noble, restante
Nabil, Nabeel - Noble Nabil, Nabeel - Noble
Nadhir - Warner Nadhir - Warner
Nadim, Nadeem - Friend Nadim, Nadeem - Prieten
Nadir - Dear, rare Nadir - Dragă, rare
Naif Na'il - Aquirer, earner Naif Na'il - Aquirer, salariaţi
Naim - Comfort, ease, tranquility Naim - Comfort, usurinta, liniste
Naji - Safe Naji - Safe
Najib, Najeeb - Of noble descent Najib, Najeeb - de coborâre nobil
Najjar - Carpenter Najjar - Carpenter
Najm al Din - Star of the faith Najm Din Al - Star a credinţei
Nasih - Advisor Nasih - Consilier
Nasim - Fresh air De aer Nasim - Fresh
Nasir, Nasser - Protector Nasir, Nasser - Protector
Nasir al Din - Protector of the faith Nasir Din Al - Protector al credinţei
Nasser - Victorious Nasser - Victorious
Nawaf Nawaf
Nawfal - Generous, old Arabic name for the Sea Nawfal - generos, vechiul nume arabă pentru Marea
Nazih, Nazeeh - Pure, chaste Nazih, Nazeeh - Pure, nevinovat
Nazim, Nazeem - Arranger, adjuster Nazim, Nazeem - Arranger, regulator de
Nuh, Nooh - A Prophet's name Nuh, Nooh - Un profet numele
Numair - Panther Numair - Panteră
Nu'man - Blood Nu'man - Blood
Nur al Din - Brightness of the faith Nur Din Al - Luminozitate de credinţă
Nuri, Noori - Shining, brightness Nuri, Noori - Shining, luminozitate


Omar - Long life, first son, most high, the Prophet's follower Omar - viata lunga, fiul în primul rând, cel mai mare, adept Profetului
Omran - Solid structure Structura OMRAN - Solid
Othman Othmân



Qadir Qadir
Qaraja Qaraja
Qasim - Divider, distributor Qasim - Divider, distribuitor
Qays - Firm Qays - Societate
Qudamah - Courage Qudamah - Curaj
Qutaybah, Qutaiba - Irritable, impatient Qutaybah, Qutaiba - Irritable, nerăbdător
Qutuz Qutuz


Rabah - Gainer Rabah - Gainer
Rabi - Spring, breeze Rabi - Spring, briza
Radi Radi
Rafi - Exalting Rafi - exaltarea
Rafiq - Kind, friend Rafiq - Kind, prieten
Raghib, Ragheb - Desirous Raghib, Ragheb - Dorind
Rahman - Compassionate, merciful; referring to qualities of God listed in the Qu'ran Rahman - compasiune, milostiv; referindu-se la calităţile lui Dumnezeu enumerate în Qu'ran
Ra'id - Leader Ra'id - Leader
Rais - Captain Rais - Capitane
Rakin - Respectful Rakin - respectuos
Rashad - Integrity of conduct Rashad - Integritate de conduită
Rashid - One of good council; rightly guided, having true faith Rashid - Unul dintre Consiliului bune, pe bună dreptate, cu ghid, având credinţa adevărată
Ratib - Arranger Ratib - Arranger
Rayhan - favored by God Rayhan - favorizat de Dumnezeu
Reda, Rida, Ridha - (In God's) favor; contentment, satisfaction Reda, Rida, Ridha - (In) favoarea lui Dumnezeu; mulţumire, satisfacţie
Ridwan - Acceptance, good will; name of the keeper of the gates of Heaven Ridwan - Acceptare, va bune, numele deţinătorului de porţile raiului
Riyad, Riyadh - Gardens Riyad, Riyadh - Gardens


Sabih, Sabeeh - Beautiful Sabih, Sabeeh - Beautiful
Sabir, Sabeer - Patient Sabir, Sabeer - pacientului
Saad - Good luck Saad - Mult noroc
Sadaqat Sadaqat
Sa'eed, Sa'id - Happy Sa'eed, Sa'id - Happy
Safiy - Best friend Safiy - Cel mai bun prieten!
Safwan - Rocks Safwan - Rocks
Sahir - Wakeful Sahir - vigilent
Sajid - One who worships God Sajid - Unul care se închină lui Dumnezeu
Salah - Righteousness Salah - Neprihănirea
Salah al Din - Righteousness of the Faith Salah al Din - Neprihănirea de Credinţă
Saleh, Salih - Good, right Saleh, Salih - Bine, bine
Salim, Saleem - Safe, whole, flawless Salim, Saleem - Safe, întregi, fără cusur
Salman - Safe Salman - Safe
Sameh - Forgiver Sameh - Forgiver
Sami - High, lofty, exalted Sami - High, elevat, exaltat
Samir, Sameer - Entertaining companion Samir, Sameer - Entertaining Companion
Samman - Grocer Samman - Grocer
Saqr - Falcon Saqr - Falcon
Sariyah - Clouds at night Sariyah - Nori pe timp de noapte
Saud - Fortunate Saud - Fortunate
Sayyar Sayyar
Sayyid - Master Sayyid - Master
Seif, Sayf - Sword (of religion) Seif, Sayf - Sword (de religie)
Seif al Din - Sword of the faith Seif Al Din - Sword a credinţei
Shadi - Singer Shadi - Singer
Shafiq, Shafeeq - Compassionate, tender Shafiq, Shafeeq - compasiune, de licitaţie
Shakir - Thankful Shakir - Thankful
Sharif, Shareef - Honest, noble, distinguished Sharif, Shareef - cinstit, nobil, distins
Shihab - Flame, blaze Shihab - Flame, Blaze
Siraj - Lamp, light Siraj - Lamp, lumina
Sofian - Devoted Sofian - devotat
Subhi - Early morning Subhi - Dis de dimineata
Suhail, Suhayl - Gentle, easy; the name of a star Suhail, Suhayl - blândă, usor de realizat; numele unei stele
Suhayb - Of reddish hair or complexion Suhayb - de păr roşcat sau ten
Sulaiman, Sulayman - A Prophet's name (Solomon) Sulaiman, Suleyman - un nume (Solomon Profetului)
Su'ud, Suoud - Good luck Su'ud, Suoud - Good luck


Tahir - Pure, clean Tahir - Pure, curat
Talal - Nice, admirable Talal - Nisa, admirabile
Talib - Seeker (of truth) Talib - Seeker (de adevăr)
Tamir - One who owns date palm trees Tamir - Unul care detine pomi data de palmier
Tamam - Generous Tamam - Generos
Tarif, Tareef - Rare, uncommon Tarif, Tareef - rare, mai puţin frecvente
Tariq - Name of a star Tariq - Numele de o stea
Tawfiq - Success, reconciliation Tawfiq - Success, a reconcilierii
Taymullah - Servant of God Taymullah - Slujitor al lui Dumnezeu
Taysir - Facilitation Taysir - Facilitarea
Tayyib - Good or delicate Tayyib - Bun sau delicat
Thabit - Firm Thabit - Societate
Thaqib - Shooting Star Thaqib - Shooting Star


Ubadah, Ubaida, Ubaydah - Servant of God Ubadah, Ubaida, Ubaydah - slujitorul lui Dumnezeu
Ubaid - Faithful Ubaid - Credincios
Ubayy - Old Arabic name Ubayy - Old numele Arabă
Umar - Name of the second Khalifa Umar - Numele Khalifa secunde
Umarah - Old Arabic name Umarah - Old numele Arabă
Umayr, Umair - Old Arabic name Umayr, Umair - Old numele Arabă
Usama, Usamah - Description of a lion Ben Laden, arab Usamah - Descrierea unui leu
Utbah - Old Arabic name Utbah - Old numele Arabă
Uthman - One of the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) Uthman - Unul dintre tovarăşii de Profetul (pbuh)



Wadi - Calm, peaceful Wadi - Calm, paşnică
Wafid Wafid
Wafiq, Wafeeq - Successful Wafiq, Wafeeq - de succes
Wahid - Singular, exclusive, unequalled Wahid - singular, exclusiv, fără pereche
Wa'il - Coming back (for Shelter) Wa'il - Revenind (adăpost)
Wajih, Wajeeh - Noble Wajih, Wajeeh - Noble
Wakil - Lawyer Wakil - Avocat
Waleed, Walid - Newborn child Waleed, Walid - nou-născut
Walliyullah - Supporter of God Walliyullah - Susţinãtor al lui Dumnezeu
Wasim, Waseem - Graceful, good looking Wasim, Waseem - Graceful, good looking
Wazir - Minister Wazir - Ministru



Yahyah - A Prophet's name Yahyah - numele O Profetului
Yaman - Proper name Yaman - Nume corect de
Ya'qub - Arabic form of "Jacob" Ya'qub - Arabă sub formă de "Iacob"
Yasar, Yasser - Wealth, ease Yasar, Yasser - Wealth, uşurinţa
Yasin, Yaseen - One of Muhammad's names Yasin, Yaseen - Unul din numele lui Muhammad
Yasir - Wealthy Yasir - bogati
Yazid, Yazeed - God will increase Yazid, Yazeed - Dumnezeu va creşte
Youssef, Yusef, Yusuf - Arabic form of "Joseph"; to increase (in power and influence); a Prophet's name Youssef, Yusef, Yusuf - Arabă sub formă de "Iosif", pentru a creşte (în putere şi influenţă); o Profetului numele
Yunus, Yoonus - A Prophet's name Yunus, Yoonus - numele O Profetului
Yushua - God saves Yushua - Dumnezeu mântuieşte
Yusuf - A Prophet's name (Joseph) Yusuf - Un nume (Profetului Joseph's)


Zafar Margineanu
Zafir - Victorious Zafir - Victorious
Zahid - Self-denying or ascetic Zahid - auto-negarea sau ascet
Zahir - Bright, shining Zahir - Bright, strălucitor
Zaid, Zayd - Increase, growth Zaid, Zayd - Creşterea, a creşterii
Zaim - Brigadier General Zaim - General de brigadă
Zakariyya - A Prophet's name Zakariyya - numele O Profetului
Zaki - Intelligent Zaki - inteligente
Zakiy - Pure Zakiy - Pure
Ziyad - Super abundance Abundenţa Ziyad - Super
Zubair Zubair
Zuhair, Zuhayr - Bright Zuhair

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